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Civil Society Council

Itrend's governance body that seeks to provide representation to civil society organizations with experience in the development of initiatives related to disaster risk management. Through this body, it seeks to identify and channel the needs of civil society, communities and territories in this area, as well as to detect initiatives, opportunities for synergy and mutual collaboration to enhance the work of the institute. Its main functions are:

  • Prioritize issues and needs identified in territories by local actors for the generation of new collaborative initiatives that contribute to disaster resilience.
  • Promote and establish mutual cooperation networks for the exchange of knowledge between civil society organizations and the R&D+i+e system for disaster resilience, with emphasis on the projects developed by the Institute.
  • Formulate proposals to support the fulfillment of the agenda defined in the Creden Strategy, in particular to contribute to the advancement of its five enabling conditions: institutional framework for R&D&I in resilience, integration of data and information, development of advanced human capital, development of experimental infrastructure, and scientific outreach and dissemination.


PRESIDENCY: Movidos x Chile

VICE PRESIDENCY:  Fundación Inteligencia para la GRD

SECRETARY:  Fundación Alto Río


Council of Public Bodies

It seeks to safeguard the public mandate and represent diverse visions of sectoral spaces for the development of initiatives with national impact. This is an instance that facilitates the confluence, integration and prioritization of R&D+i+e needs in disaster resilience, together with bringing technical evidence closer to decision making. Its mission is to participate in:

  • The prioritization of articulation initiatives and lines of action that have an impact on public policies with a long-term vision, based on the recommendations resulting from the iGOPP 2020 application process with the IDB and the Institute's strategic guidelines.
  • Supporting the Institute in the monitoring of active work instances at the national level on the subject, facilitating the articulation role aimed at integrating and promoting cross-cutting initiatives to the disaster resilience ecosystem.
  • Advice and feedback to the Institute for the formulation of proposals aimed at fulfilling the agenda defined in the Creden Strategy, in particular to contribute to the advancement of its five enabling conditions: a) institutional framework for R&D&I in resilience, b) integration of data and information, c) development of advanced human capital, d) development of experimental infrastructure, and e) scientific outreach and dissemination.


PRESIDENCY: Ministerio de Obras Públicas

VICE PRESIDENCY: Ministerio de Vivienda y Urbanismo

SECRETARY: Corporación de Fomento de la Producción

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