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Aprende de Desastres con Simple&Cito

16 de Oct de 2024

Aprende de Desastres con Simple&Cito
Aprende de Desastres con Simpl&Cito es un programa educativo del Gobierno de Santiago, ejecutado por Itrend, que busca fomentar y fortalecer la comprensión del riesgo de desastres en la región Metropolitana, en particular en las comunidades educativas. Desde su lanzamiento en marzo de 2024 hasta la fecha ha recibido una variada cobertura en la prensa, tanto escrita como TV. Aquí te dejamos algunas de estas apariciones:
Itrend participates in Science and Knowledge roundtable for the recovery from wildfire

22 de Sep de 2023

Itrend participates in Science and Knowledge roundtable for the recovery from wildfire
The Ministry of Science, Knowledge and Innovation (Minciencia) convened 15 national centers and institutes dedicated to the management of socio-natural disasters, among them Itrend, to form the first table of Science and Knowledge for Recovery, to address the recovery after the forest fires that have affected more than 439 thousand hectares and thousands of victims.
Resilience in the face of climate change: understanding more to prevent and propose

07 de Jul de 2023

Resilience in the face of climate change: understanding more to prevent and propose
The Secretary of State communicated that the portfolio will promote a space for dialogue with academics, consultants and research centers on the subject to generate both long-term strategies and concrete measures to face scenarios of high recurrence of destructive events from the housing and territorial policy.
El Mercurio: Itrend's Data Platform among innovations for disasters

22 de Feb de 2021

El Mercurio: Itrend's Data Platform among innovations for disasters
The national media highlighted in its Innovation section this new platform that will be available from the second semester, among the innovations and technologies in the field of data science, which contribute to improve the country's reaction to disasters and emergencies.
Itrend Associate Expert in Pauta- The dilemma of building social housing in evacuation zones

01 de Apr de 2020

Itrend Associate Expert in Pauta- The dilemma of building social housing in evacuation zones

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