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Progress of the partnership between Itrend and SENAPRED

Noticias 01 Feb 2024

Reu Senapred Uat

Within the framework of the mandate of the Ministry of the Interior and Public Safety, in October 2022, SENAPRED and Itrend signed a collaboration agreement aimed at contributing in a cross-cutting manner to the challenges established in Law 21.364. In particular, a work plan for 2023 was agreed upon, the second line of which was to collaborate on the design and implementation of the Information System for Disaster Risk Management. 

Based on the needs survey carried out by Itrend together with the Risk and Emergency Management Unit of the Undersecretariat of the Interior during 2022, priority initiatives related to the deployment of scientific-technical data and information were identified. One of them, related to the development of technological tools to systematize and visualize in an efficient and effective way information related to the alerts issued by the Early Warning Unit (UAT) of SENAPRED.

In this context, during 2023 Itrend's technological development team worked on the generation of two applications: On the one hand, a tool for the management and monitoring of events, alerts and emergencies, for the national and regional UAT, which in a first version is oriented to forest fire type events. On the other hand, a mobile application that facilitates the visualization of this information in order to support the work of authorities and decision makers in the efficient management of processes and resources. The purpose is to facilitate the delivery of timely information to support disaster risk management and emergency operations. 

"This new tool aims to deliver solutions to UAT operators, such as reducing time in information entry and document generation, standardizing information related to forest fire events and alerts, and strengthening the capacity to follow up on an event or alert and deliver information to third parties if required," explained Itrend's executive director, Catalina Undurraga, about the first application. The current version of the application is now in a white run, which will last until June, and also has a user manual that can be used as daily reference material and accessed directly from the interface by the operators.

In parallel, the institute's team designed and implemented the first version of a mobile application for visualization of event information and alerts from the information captured by the national and regional UAT on forest fires. This application provides a modern and easy-to-use interface and allows quick access to relevant information, simplifying the monitoring of the life cycle of forest fire alerts by the authorities. The current version has search and filtering tools that allow finding alerts that respond to certain query patterns, such as, for example, type of alert or a specific area. 

Currently, Itrend's technological development team, led by Catalina Fortuño, is working on improvements to both applications, based on user experience. During this year, it is expected to advance in the use of the tool in the regional CTUs and the possible scaling of the tool to other threats is being explored.

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