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Grandes hitos de Itrend el 2024

News 06 de Jan de 2025

Grandes hitos de Itrend el 2024
Este año ha estado marcado por el desarrollo de importantes proyectos para el instituto y sus colaboradores: la implementación de la herramienta de monitoreo y gestión de alertas de incendios forestales para la UAT, de Senapred, el lanzamiento de la nueva “Datos para Resiliencia”, y el trabajo conjunto con el Gobierno de Santiago en el programa “Aprende de Desastres con Simple&Cito”, son solo algunos de ellos.
Universidad de Columbia , Itrend y CR2 unen esfuerzos para apoyar a municipios en la creación de sus planes de acción climática

News 30 de Dec de 2024

Universidad de Columbia , Itrend y CR2 unen esfuerzos para apoyar a municipios en la creación de sus planes de acción climática
Tres municipios chilenos recibirán apoyo especializado para desarrollar planes de acción climática, gracias a una alianza entre el Centro Nacional de Preparación ante Desastres (NCDP) de la Universidad de Columbia y destacadas instituciones de investigación chilenas. La iniciativa “Fortaleciendo Capacidades y Participación Cívica para Comunidades Resilientes al Clima en Chile” tiene como objetivo ayudar y acompañar a las municipalidades a cumplir con los requisitos establecidos en la Ley Marco de Cambio Climático de 2022, mientras se fortalece la resiliencia climática a nivel local.
SENAPRED fortalece tecnología para gestionar alertas de incendios forestales

News 05 de Dec de 2024

SENAPRED fortalece tecnología para gestionar alertas de incendios forestales
Tras el cierre de la fase piloto, se aplicaron una serie de mejoras a partir de las observaciones realizadas por los usuarios, y comenzó a ser utilizada la semana pasada en las regiones de O’Higgins, Maule, Ñuble y Biobío, a las que pronto se sumarán Valparaíso y la región Metropolitana.
Itrend participates in Regional Policy Dialogue organized by IDB

News 30 de Dec de 2023

Itrend participates in Regional Policy Dialogue organized by IDB
At the beginning of the first day, Macarena Pérez, Director of Linking and Networks, presented the case of Itrend as one of the successful models of collaboration between the public sector, academia and private research centers in Latin America. The objective of the meeting was precisely to publicize these cases in order to promote the adoption of these models in the countries of the region.
First Report on Characterization of Public Expenditure in RDM

News 30 de Dec de 2023

First Report on Characterization of Public Expenditure in RDM
How many resources does Chile allocate to disaster risk management? is one of the questions that the first Public Expenditure Report for Integrated Disaster Risk Management (GIRD) carried out in Chile by the Institute for Disaster Resilience (Itrend) attempts to answer. Less than 1% of the national budget is allocated to finance programs that deal with disaster risk management and the main mechanism to respond to emergencies is budget reallocation. While highlighting positive aspects, the study highlights the lack of a robust governance structure for resource management in this area, and the need for a comprehensive budget design that systematically addresses the challenge of resilience.
Check out these projects to address wildfires

News 06 de Nov de 2023

Check out these projects to address wildfires
Technologies to anticipate this summer's forest fires mark 2nd version of Chile Resilient Chile

News 06 de Nov de 2023

Technologies to anticipate this summer's forest fires mark 2nd version of Chile Resilient Chile
José Torero and Ellen Rahtje, from the University College of London and the DesignSafe platform respectively, were the main speakers at the event, which also included two discussion panels made up of representatives from academia, local governments and civil society. The objective of the meeting, which was attended by more than a hundred guests, was to discuss the importance of the use of technology to anticipate wildfires and avoid their negative consequences.
Phrases and highlights of Resilient Chile speakers

News 06 de Nov de 2023

Phrases and highlights of Resilient Chile speakers
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All about the first edition of Resilient Chile

News 27 de Jan de 2023

All about the first edition of Resilient Chile
More than a hundred people participated in person in the event held at Icare on January 12. There were two main presentations, followed by two panels where initiatives were presented and various aspects of how artificial intelligence and other technologies are being used to address climate change, disasters and the challenges this presents were discussed. You can review what the keynote speakers had to say at this link.
